I have to share this incident that happened at home with my 3yr old daughter. She was down with viral fever doing the rounds and I was struggling to get some food into her system. I gave her many safe choices (the bland, non oily variety that one eats when sick) and made them sound exotic and interesting. She listened to me quietly, without batting her eye lids. At the end of the menu narration, she softly purred that she wanted to eat '
I was stunned! We hardly ever made
poori at home, and as far as I know, she has never ever tasted '
poori'. I asked her what a '
poori' is? She said its ball-type chapati which is crisp on the top but nothing inside. I was pretty impressed at her
imaginative description. I asked her if she had ever eaten one? She replied that her teacher
aunty had given her '
poori' (she goes to school that serves snacks). SO there-I had got my answer!
That's where my
lil girl had got a
taste of ball-type chapati!
Eager to get some food into her antibiotic filled system, I quickly made what she wanted. She happily munched on crisp
It amazes me how much children observe, retain information, relate them to something they are more familiar with and finally
describe it in the correct context.