Monday, September 04, 2006

'Crocodile Hunter' is no more

I was shocked at the news I just heard. Steve Irwin (croc hunter on animal planet channel) was killed by a Stingray while filming a documentary.

I have been following his shows for the last 8 years and his contribution to research on reptiles is unparalleled. The dare-devil that he was (cant believe I have to actually use past-tense) he never feared for his life and went to extremes during his wild encounters with snakes, crocs and other reptiles. His whole life was committed to animals, their research and spreading awareness. His unconditional commitment was apparent on his shows.

Incidentally, my first post on this blog called 'Fangs and Hisses' was about how Steve inspired me to do my bit at the Singapore Zoo.

My his soul rest in peace.


Rebus said...

Long time; no blogs!

Sangeeta Ananth said...

sphinx - yes a lot of people who did not watch him regularly felt this way!

Sangeeta Ananth said...

rebus - just back from a looooong break. will start writing soon!

EYE said...

nnot much into wild life or for that matter TV, so don't have much of an idea. But he sounds like someone I missed...