Nilanjanaa – my Bundle of Joy
You came into this world
With a loud squeal and yelp.
Your tiny little face
All pink and round.
You kicked and cried,
And quickly closed your eyes.
To fall into a deep slumber,
While I held you in my arms.
Translucent fingers and toes;
Curled up,
So small, so sweet,
Smelling of divine baby fragrances.
With a coo you made me smile.
With a gurgle you won my heart.
What could be more perfect?
What could be more bliss?
My precious bundle of joy
Such a miracle baby you are.
thatz pretty one - good sign.. but some how i am little very much scared of babies. i cant just handel them. every baby keeps crying when they see me or holds them.
some time back i wrote on abortion. it will be a bad feeling to read if so avoid reading it
hmm sure.. if he is in station. he is very popular in discovery channel. he keeps travellign to some marshy foreest land.
My sis is expecting a baby soon...our whole family can hardly wait for the tiny one to join us :)
Wow...the same sounds..so nice and unusual..
Congrats :-) Cute name, but why 2 "a"s?
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