Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Addiction, Saturation & Rejuvination...

I'm unable to pin-point that one reason that kept me away from the blog scene for more than a year.

Writing and publishing posts and reading other blogs had almost become like switching channels on the TV. Addictive actually. And then, saturation. I guess I just lost if after that...

But hey, now I'm back! Completely recharged and motivated. I'm hoping to write and publish posts as often as I can. :)


Reva Garde said...

Hey, post often...!

ReadnRyte said...

Welcome back sangeeta...I too went thru that phase of being a lil lazy 'n then i decided to get back...
Nice to have you back n nice to see that you r visting my blog too...especially since we both started blogging almost simultaneously :)