Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ganesh Chaturti

Tall Ganesh idols at every street corner.

Smiling elephant face with one broken tusk.

Colorful bulbs and decorations from the beginning of the street.

Children dressed up in their best – running about busily.

Bursts of music - children dancing to the beats.

Modaks and other sweets contributed generously by neighbors.

High spirits of young and old- gathered around pandals.

Games, dance competitions and music recitals all night long.

It’s a pleasure to see happy smiling faces and the festive spirit of people all around.

Happy Ganesh Chaturti


Rebus said...

Happy Ganesh Chaturti.

You capture a moment well

Sangeeta Ananth said...

Yep :D they're both very cute. Guess its got to do with animal-faced gods (maybe)?