Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Recruitment Consultants

Tring Tring…

"Hello…am I speaking to Sangeeta”? The voice at the other end of the line asked. The minute I get a call like this, I know where it’s coming from. But just how do they always manage to call when I have just landed myself in a good job? Or so I think. And call at a time when my boss is breathing down my neck to meet some mundane deadline…or when I’m in a meeting with my CEO.

Where are these consultants when I am desperately looking for a change?

Back to the call - “Hello…am I speaking to Sangeeta”? “Yes”, I reply. “Hello Sangeeta, this is XYZ calling from ABC Consulting, we have an opening with an MNC client. I found your profile on a job portal and it seems to match our requirement. Would you be interested”? I look around. My boss is right next to me, but hey, he’s got head phones on and maybe can’t hear. It’s tempting, should I say yes..., but the entire floor is so quiet. The only sound is the occasional tapping on the keyboard. I suddenly decide I have to be loyal and can’t get tempted by such calls.

I clear my voice and say “No, I’m not looking for a change”. The consultant at the other end asks “Are you very sure, it’s a very good opportunity”. “No, I am not interested right now” I reply. “But you have just updated your profile” says the nagging consultant. Aaauugh… cant I update my profile whenever I want…I feel like asking him. But I don’t reply. “Where you are currently employed Sangeeta?” he asks innocently. This time I feel like yelling–you’ve supposed have found my profile interesting, cant you see where I am presently employed you moron…But I keep my cool and cleverly reply “I’m presently working for a company in Hyderabad”. “Oh ok, if you have any friends or collogues looking for a change can you please give my reference?” he asks. I almost ask him if he thinks I have no better work in life. But sense prevails and I politely tell him I’m new to the city and don’t know people. He mumbles a thank you and hangs up. Whew….how irritating can these people get, I ask myself. And get back to concentrating on my work.

Tring tring…oh God! Not again!


Anonymous said...

Nice 1. My only concern here is: Why don't they tring me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Me thinks its has probably got to do with them likin your voice :)

The ppl who call me cant wait for me to say 'I'm not interested'...they are already at 'Sorry for taking your time', while I am wondering if I should go with 'Do I have to relocate' or 'How soon do you want me to join'

Nice post...hold on there's my phone tringing..oh hell it was another wrong number..

Anonymous said...

hmm thnks for dropping in and reading my scribblings. What we love ? hmm a big question that we dont know till we die.

we love nothing and yet want to love with a feeling of getting loved.

Anonymous said...

Nice Post... I always get calls only from banks (for credit cards!) or from Idea (Sir do you want to know our scheme!).. oh god.. noone else wants to talk to me ?

Anonymous said...

I guess there would be some Murphy law of job hunting relating to that too.